API Reference


thriftrw.load(self, path, name=None)

Parses and compiles the given Thrift file.

Uses the binary protocol to serialize and deserialize values.

For more advanced use, see thriftrw.loader.Loader.

  • path (str) – Path to the .thrift file.
  • name (str) – Name of the generated module. Defaults to the basename of the file.
  • force (bool) – Whether to ignore the cache and load the file anew. Defaults to False.

thriftrw.errors.ThriftCompilerError – If there was an error compiling the Thrift file.

thriftrw.install(path, name=None)

Compiles a Thrift file and installs it as a submodule of the caller.

Given a tree organized like so:


You would do,

my_service = thriftrw.install('my_service.thrift')

To install my_service as a submodule of the module from which you made the call. If the call was made in foo/bar.py, the compiled Thrift file will be installed as foo.bar.my_service. If the call was made in foo/__init__.py, the compiled Thrift file will be installed as foo.my_service. This allows other modules to import from the compiled module like so,

from foo.my_service import MyService

New in version 0.2.

  • path – Path of the Thrift file. This may be an absolute path, or a path relative to the Python module making the call.
  • name (str) – Name of the submodule. Defaults to the basename of the Thrift file.

The compiled module


class thriftrw.loader.Loader(protocol=None, strict=None, include_as=None)

Loads and compiles Thrift files.

load(path, name=None)

Load and compile the given Thrift file.

  • path (str) – Path to the .thrift file.
  • name (str) – Name of the generated module. Defaults to the base name of the file.

The compiled module.

loads(name, document)

Parse and compile the given Thrift document.

  • name (str) – Name of the Thrift document.
  • document (str) – The Thrift IDL as a string.


class thriftrw.compile.Compiler(protocol, strict=None, include_as=None)

Compiles IDLs into Python modules.

compile(name, contents, path=None)

Compile the given Thrift document into a Python module.

The generated module contains,


A collection of generated classes for all services defined in the thrift file.

Changed in version 1.0: Renamed from services to __services__.


A collection of generated types for all types defined in the thrift file.

Changed in version 1.0: Renamed from types to __types__.


A collection of modules included by this module.

New in version 1.0.


A mapping of constant name to value for all constants defined in the thrift file.

Changed in version 1.0: Renamed from constants to __constants__.


Contents of the .thrift file from which this module was compiled.

New in version 1.1.


Serializes the given object using the protocol the compiler was instantiated with.

loads(cls, payload)

Deserializes an object of type cls from payload using the protocol the compiler was instantiated with.

dumps.message(obj, seqid=0)

Serializes the given request or response into a Message using the protocol that the compiler was instantiated with.

See Calling Apache Thrift.

New in version 1.0.

loads.message(service, payload)

Deserializes a Message from payload using the protocol the compiler was instantiated with. A request or response of a method defined in the given service is parsed in the message body.

See Calling Apache Thrift.

New in version 1.0.

And one class each for every struct, union, exception, enum, and service defined in the IDL.

Service classes have references to thriftrw.spec.ServiceFunction objects for each method defined in the service.

  • name (str) – Name of the Thrift document. This will be the name of the generated module.
  • contents (str) – Thrift document to compile
  • path (str) – Path to the Thrift file being compiled. If not specified, imports from within the Thrift file will be disallowed.

ModuleSpec of the generated module.



class thriftrw.protocol.Protocol

Base class for all protocol implementations.

Changed in version 1.0: Removed dumps and loads methods and added serialize_message and deserialize_message.

deserialize_message(self, bytes s) → Message

Deserialize a Message.

Parameters:s – Bytes to decode
Returns:Parsed Message containing a Value in its body.
deserialize_value(self, int typ, bytes s) → Value

Parse a Value of the given type.

  • typ – Type code of the value to parse.
  • s – Bytes to decode.

Parsed Value.


thriftrw.errors.ThriftProtocolError – If the object failed to deserialize.

reader(self, ReadBuffer buff) → ProtocolReader
serialize_message(self, Message message) → bytes

Serialize a Message.

The message body must be a Value.

Parameters:message – Message to serialize.
Returns:Serialized message.
serialize_value(self, Value value) → bytes

Serialize the given Value.

Parameters:value (Value) – Value to serialize.
Returns:Serialized value.
writer(self, WriteBuffer buff) → ProtocolWriter
class thriftrw.protocol.BinaryProtocol

Implements the Thrift binary protocol.

deserialize_message(self, bytes s) → Message
deserialize_value(self, int typ, bytes s) → Value
reader(self, ReadBuffer buff) → ProtocolReader
writer(self, WriteBuffer buff) → ProtocolWriter



Specs represent compiled ASTs and act as the specification of behavior for the types or values they represent. All specs have a name and may have a surface attribute which, if not None, is exposed in the generated module at the top-level.

class thriftrw.spec.TypeSpec

Base class for classes representing TypeSpecs.

A TypeSpec knows how to convert values of the corresponding type to and from thriftrw.wire.Value objects.

from_primitive(self, prim_value)

Converts a primitive value into a value of this type.

A primitive value is a text, binary, integer, or float value, or a list or dict of other primitive values.

New in version 0.4.

Parameters:prim_value – A primitive value as produced by to_primitive.
Returns:A value matching this TypeSpec.
from_wire(self, Value wire_value)

Converts the given thriftrw.wire.Value back into the original type.

Parameters:wire_value (thriftr.wire.Value) – Value to convert.
Raises:ValueError – If the type of the wire value does not have the correct Thrift type for this type spec.

Name of the type referenced by this type spec.

read_from(self, ProtocolReader reader)

Read a primitive value of this type from thriftrw.protocol.ProtocolReader.


The surface of a type spec.

The surface of a type spec, if non-None is the value associated with its name at the top-level in the generated module.

to_primitive(self, value)

Converts a value matching this type spec into a primitive value.

A primitive value is a text, binary, integer, or float value, or a list or dict of other primitive values.

New in version 0.4.

Parameters:value – Value matching this TypeSpec.
Returns:A representation of that value using only primitive types, lists, and maps.
to_wire(self, value) → Value

Converts the given value into a thriftrw.wire.Value object.

Returns thriftrw.wire.Value:
 Wire representation of the value.

ttype_code: ‘int8_t’

validate(self, o) → void

Whether an instance of this spec is valid.


instance – An instance of the type described by this spec.

  • TypeError – If the value did not match the type expected by this TypeSpec.
  • ValueError – If the value matched the type but did not hold the correct set of acceptable values.
write_to(self, ProtocolWriter writer, value) → void

Writes a value directly to thriftrw.protocol.ProtocolWriter.

Native types


TypeSpec for boolean values.


TypeSpec for single-byte integers.


TypeSpec for floating point numbers with 64 bits of precision.


TypeSpec for 16-bit integers.


TypeSpec for 32-bit integers.


TypeSpec for 64-bit integers.


TypeSpec for binary blobs.

Changed in version 0.4.0: Automatically coerces text values into binary.


TypeSpec for unicode data.

Values will be decoded/encoded using UTF-8 encoding before/after being serialized/deserialized.

Changed in version 0.3.1: Allows passing binary values directly.

class thriftrw.spec.ListTypeSpec(vspec)

Spec for list types.


TypeSpec for the kind of values lists conforming to this spec must contain.

from_primitive(self, prim_value)
from_wire(self, Value wire_value)

linked: ‘bool’

read_from(self, ProtocolReader reader)

alias of list

to_primitive(self, value)
to_wire(self, value) → Value
validate(self, instance) → void

vspec: thriftrw.spec.base.TypeSpec

write_to(self, ProtocolWriter writer, value) → void
class thriftrw.spec.MapTypeSpec(kspec, vspec)

Spec for map types.


TypeSpec for the kind of keys matching maps must contain.


TypeSpec for the kind of values matching maps must contain.

from_primitive(self, prim_value)
from_wire(self, Value wire_value)

kspec: thriftrw.spec.base.TypeSpec


linked: ‘bool’

read_from(self, ProtocolReader reader)

alias of dict

to_primitive(self, value)
to_wire(self, value) → Value
validate(self, instance) → void

vspec: thriftrw.spec.base.TypeSpec

write_to(self, ProtocolWriter writer, value) → void
class thriftrw.spec.SetTypeSpec(vspec)
Parameters:vspec (TypeSpec) – TypeSpec of values stored in the set.
from_primitive(self, prim_value)
from_wire(self, Value wire_value)

linked: ‘bool’

read_from(self, ProtocolReader reader)
to_primitive(self, value)
to_wire(self, value) → Value
validate(self, instance) → void

vspec: thriftrw.spec.base.TypeSpec

write_to(self, ProtocolWriter writer, value) → void

Custom Types

class thriftrw.spec.EnumTypeSpec(name, items)

TypeSpec for enum types.


Name of the enum class.


Mapping of enum item names to item values.


Mapping of enum item values to a list of enum item names with that value.

Changed in version 1.1: Changed to a list of names.


The surface for this spec.

The surface for enum types is a class with the following:


EnumTypeSpec for the type.


A tuple of the names of all items in this enum.


A tuple of the values of all items in this enum in the same order as items.

classmethod name_of(value)

Finds the name of an enum item by its value. If multiple enum items have this value, any of the matching item names could can be returned.

Parameters:value (int) – A value for an item defined in this enum.
Returns:Name of the item with that value or None if no such item exists.

And one attribute for each enum item that has the same name as the attribute and points to the value for that item.

Given the definition,:

enum Role {
    User, Admin

The generated class is roughly equivalent to,

class Role(object):
    User = 0
    Admin = 1

    items = ('User', 'Admin')
    values = (0, 1)

    type_spec = # ...

    def name_of(self, value):
        # ...

Changed in version 1.1: Added support for multiple enum items with the same value.

compile(type cls, enum)
from_primitive(self, prim_value)
from_wire(self, Value wire_value)

linked: ‘bool’

read_from(self, ProtocolReader reader)

surface: object

to_primitive(self, value)
to_wire(self, value) → Value
validate(self, instance) → void
write_to(self, ProtocolWriter writer, value) → void
class thriftrw.spec.StructTypeSpec(name, fields, base_cls=None)

A struct is a collection of named fields.


Name of the struct.


Collection of FieldSpec objects representing the fields of this struct.

The surface for struct types is a class with the following:


StructTypeSpec for the type.

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

Accepts all fields of the struct as arguments. Required arguments are placed first and may be specified as positional arguments (in the same order as they appear in the IDL). Optional arguments and required arguments come next. A TypeError will be raised if the required arguments for the struct are not filled with non-None values.


Converts the struct into a dictionary mapping field names to primitive representation of field values.

Only the following types are used in primitive representations: bool, bytes, float, str (unicode in Python < 3), int, long, dict, list.

New in version 0.4.

classmethod from_primitive(cls, value)

Converts a dictionary holding a primitive representation of a value of this type (as returned by to_primitive) into an instance of this class.

New in version 0.4.

And obvious definitions of __str__ and __eq__.

Given the definition,:

struct User {
    1: required string name
    2: optional string email
    3: required bool isActive = true

A class roughly equivalent to the following is generated,

class User(object):

    __slots__ = ('name', 'email', 'isActive')

    type_spec = # ...

    def __init__(name, email=None, isActive=True):
        # ...
compile(type cls, struct, require_requiredness=True)
from_primitive(self, prim_value)
from_wire(self, Value wire_value)

linked: ‘bool’

read_from(self, ProtocolReader reader)

surface: object

to_primitive(self, struct)
to_wire(self, struct) → Value
validate(self, instance) → void
write_to(self, ProtocolWriter writer, struct) → void
class thriftrw.spec.ExceptionTypeSpec(*args, **kwargs)

Spec for exception types defined in the Thrift file.

This is exactly the same as thriftrw.spec.StructTypeSpec except that the generated class inherits the Exception class.

class thriftrw.spec.UnionTypeSpec(name, fields, allow_empty=None)

Spec for Thrift unions.

The surface for union types is a class with the following:


UnionTypeSpec for the type.

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

Accepts all fields of the unions as keyword arguments but only one of them is allowed to be non-None. Positional arguments are not accepted.


Converts the union into a dictionary mapping field names to primitive representation of field values.

Only the following types are used in primitive representations: bool, bytes, float, str (unicode in Python < 3), int, long, dict, list.

New in version 0.4.

classmethod from_primitive(cls, value)

Converts a dictionary holding a primitive representation of a value of this type (as returned by to_primitive) into an instance of this class.

New in version 0.4.

And obvious definitions of __str__ and __eq__.

Given the definition,:

union Body {
    1: string plainText
    2: binary richText

A class roughly equivalent to the following is generated,

class Body(object):

    __slots__ = ('plainText', 'richText')

    def __init__(self, plainText=None, richText=None):
        # Only one of plainText and richText may be non-None.
        # ...
compile(type cls, union)
from_primitive(self, prim_value)
from_wire(self, Value wire_value)

linked: ‘bool’

read_from(self, ProtocolReader reader)

surface: object

to_primitive(self, union)
to_wire(self, union) → Value
validate(self, instance) → void
write_to(self, ProtocolWriter writer, struct) → void
class thriftrw.spec.FieldSpec(id, name, spec, required, default_value=None)

Specification for a single field on a struct.


Field identifier of this field.


Name of the field.


TypeSpec for the type of values accepted by this field.


Whether this field is required or not.


Default value of the field if any. None otherwise.

compile(type cls, field, struct_name, require_requiredness=True)

default_value: object

from_wire(self, wire_value)

linked: ‘bool’


spec: thriftrw.spec.base.TypeSpec

to_wire(self, value)
class thriftrw.spec.TypedefTypeSpec(name, target_spec)

Typedefs are aliases for other types.

Typedefs resolve themselves to the target type at link time and eliminate themselves from the tree.

compile(type cls, typedef)

target_spec: thriftrw.spec.base.TypeSpec


class thriftrw.spec.ServiceSpec(name, functions, parent)

Spec for a single service.


Name of the service.


Collection of FunctionSpec objects.


ServiceSpec of the parent service or None if this service does not inherit any service.

The surface for a ServiceSpec is a class that has the following attributes:


ServiceSpec for this service.

And a reference to one ServiceFunction object for each function defined in the service.

compile(type cls, service)

functions: list


linked: ‘bool’

lookup(self, name)

Look up a function with the given name.

Returns the function spec or None if no such function exists.

New in version 1.0.


parent: object


surface: object

class thriftrw.spec.ServiceFunction

Represents a single function on a service.


Name of the function.


Class representing requests for this function.


Class representing responses for this function, or None if this function is oneway.


thriftrw.spec.FunctionSpec for this function.

Changed in version 0.3: Added the spec attribute.

class thriftrw.spec.FunctionSpec(name, args_spec, result_spec, oneway)

Specification of a single function on a service.


Name of the function.


The ServiceSpec that contains this function. This value is available only after the spec has been linked.

New in version 1.1.


FunctionArgsSpec specifying the arguments accepted by this function as a struct.


FunctionResultSpec specifying the output of this function as a union of the return type and the exceptions raised by this function.

The return type of the function (if any) is a field in the union with field ID 0 and name ‘success’.

This value is None if the function is oneway.


Whether this function is oneway or not.

The surface for a FunctionSpec is a ServiceFunction object. Unlike the surface for other specs, a FunctionSpec’s surface is attached to the service class as a class attribute.

Changed in version 0.3: Added the oneway attribute.


args_spec: thriftrw.spec.service.FunctionArgsSpec

compile(type cls, func, service_name)

linked: ‘bool’


result_spec: thriftrw.spec.service.FunctionResultSpec


service: thriftrw.spec.service.ServiceSpec


surface: object

class thriftrw.spec.FunctionArgsSpec(name, params)

Represents the parameters of a service function.


The FunctionSpec whose arguments this spec represents. This value is available only after the spec has been linked.

The parameters of a function implicitly form a struct which contains the parameters as its fields, which are optional by default.

The surface for this is the same as StructTypeSpec except that the generated class also includes the following class attributes.


A reference to the class representing the result type for function, or None if the function was oneway.

Changed in version 1.0: Added the function attribute.

Changed in version 1.1: Added result_type class attribute to the surface.

compile(type cls, parameters, service_name, function_name)

Compiles a parameter list into a FunctionArgsSpec.

  • parameters – Collection of thriftrw.idl.Field objects.
  • service_name (str) – Name of the service under which the function was defined.
  • function_name (str) – Name of the function whose parameter list is represented by this object.

function: thriftrw.spec.service.FunctionSpec

class thriftrw.spec.FunctionResultSpec(name, return_spec, exceptions)

Represents the result of a service function.


thriftrw.spec.TypeSpec of the return type or None if the function does not return anything.


Collection of thriftrw.spec.FieldSpec objects defining the exceptions that this function can raise.


The FunctionSpec whose result type this spec represents. This value is available only after the spec has been linked.

The return value of a function and the exceptions raised by it implicitly form a union which contains the return value at field ID 0 and the exceptions on the remaining field IDs.

Changed in version 0.2: Expose the class and add the return_spec and exception_specs attributes.

Changed in version 0.5: When deserializing, if an unrecognized exception is found, a thriftrw.errors.UnknownExceptionError is raised.

Changed in version 1.0: Added the function attribute.

compile(type cls, return_type, exceptions, service_name, function_name)

Compiles information from the AST into a FunctionResultSpec.

  • return_type – A thriftrw.idl.Type representing the return type or None if the function doesn’t return anything.
  • exceptions – Collection of thriftrw.idl.Field objects representing raised by the function.
  • service_name (str) – Name of the service under which the function was defined.
  • function_name (str) – Name of the function whose result this object represents.

exception_ids: object


exception_specs: list

from_wire(self, Value wire_value)

function: thriftrw.spec.service.FunctionSpec

read_from(self, ProtocolReader reader)

return_spec: thriftrw.spec.base.TypeSpec


class thriftrw.spec.ConstSpec(name, value_spec, type_spec, save=None)

Spec for a constant value defined in the Thrift file.

The surface for a ConstSpec is the value defined in the Thrift file.

The following,:

const list<i32> foo = [1, 2, 3]

Roughly translates to,

foo = [1, 2, 3]

In the generated module.


Name of the constant.



Different TType codes supported by Thrift.

thriftrw.wire.ttype.BOOL = 2
thriftrw.wire.ttype.BYTE = 3
thriftrw.wire.ttype.DOUBLE = 4
thriftrw.wire.ttype.I16 = 6
thriftrw.wire.ttype.I32 = 8
thriftrw.wire.ttype.I64 = 10
thriftrw.wire.ttype.BINARY = 11
thriftrw.wire.ttype.STRUCT = 12
thriftrw.wire.ttype.MAP = 13
thriftrw.wire.ttype.SET = 14
thriftrw.wire.ttype.LIST = 15


class thriftrw.wire.Value

Base class for Value classes.

Value classes define an intermediate representation of Thrift types as they are sent and received over the wire.

apply(self, ValueVisitor visitor)

Apply the value to the given visitor.

The appropriate visit_* method will be called and its result returned.

Parameters:visitor (ValueVisitor) – Visitor on the value.
Returns:Value returned by the corresponding visit_* method.
class thriftrw.wire.ValueVisitor

Visitor on different value types.

The visit_* functions are not given the *Value objects but the actual values contained in them.

The idea is that when something needs to take an arbitrary Thrift value and act on all cases, it extends this type. Each Thrift value knows which function to call on the visitor based on the value type. The intention here is to avoid isinstance checks.

Value Types

class thriftrw.wire.BoolValue

Wrapper for boolean values.

class thriftrw.wire.ByteValue

Wrapper for byte values.

class thriftrw.wire.DoubleValue

Wrapper for double values.

class thriftrw.wire.I16Value

Wrapper for 16-bit integer values.

class thriftrw.wire.I32Value

Wrapper for 32-bit integer values.

class thriftrw.wire.I64Value

Wrapper for 64-bit integer values.

class thriftrw.wire.BinaryValue

Wrapper for binary blobs.

Note that Thrift does not differentiate between text and binary blobs over the wire. UTF-8 text should be encoded/decoded manually.

class thriftrw.wire.FieldValue

A single field in a struct.


Field identifier.


TType of the value held in this field.


Value for this field.

class thriftrw.wire.StructValue(list fields)

A struct value is a collection of fields of different types.


Collection of FieldValue objects.

class thriftrw.wire.MapValue

A mapping of two different kinds of values.

This object may be treated as a map.


Type of the keys stored in the map. This must be a value from TType.


Type of the values stored in the map. This must be a value from TType.


Collection of thriftrw.wire.MapItem objects.

class thriftrw.wire.MapItem

An item in a map.


Key of the item


Value associated with the key

class thriftrw.wire.SetValue

A collection of unique values of the same type.


Type of values in the set. This must be a value from TType.


Collection of the values.

class thriftrw.wire.ListValue

A collection of values.


Type of values in the list. This must be a value from TType.


Collection of the values.


class thriftrw.wire.Message

A Message envelope for Thrift requests and responses.


Name of the method being called.


ID of the message used by the client to match responses to requests. The server’s contract is to return the same seqid in the response that it received in the request.


Message type of the message. See thriftrw.wire.ttype.


Message payload. The value here depends on the message type.

Requests and responses must be wrapped in a Message if you are making requests to Apache Thrift services or receiving requests from clients generated by Apache Thrift.

See Calling Apache Thrift for more information.

New in version 1.0.

The types of messages envelopes supported by Thrift.

thriftrw.wire.mtype.CALL = 1

An outgoing call to a specific method.

Message.body is a struct containing the request arguments.

thriftrw.wire.mtype.REPLY = 2

A response to a CALL message.

Message.body is a union of the return value (with field ID 0) and the application exceptions that the message can raise.

thriftrw.wire.mtype.EXCEPTION = 3

An unexpected exception in response to a CALL message.

Message.body is a struct representing the exception.

Note that exceptions that are defined in the IDL are returned as part of the REPLY message. This message type is used for unexpected exceptions that were not defined in the IDL but which the server and client have agreed upon as standard exceptions that they both recognize.

thriftrw.wire.mtype.ONEWAY = 4

An outgoing request to a specific oneway method.

Message.body is the same as a CALL message but no REPLY or EXCEPTION is expected in response.

New in version 1.0.


A parser for Thrift IDL files.


Adapted from thriftpy.parser.

class thriftrw.idl.Parser(**kwargs)

Parser for Thrift IDL files.

parse(input, **kwargs)

Parse the given input.

Parameters:input – String containing the text to be parsed.
Raises:thriftrw.errors.ThriftParserError – For parsing errors.


class thriftrw.idl.Program

The top-level object representing the full Thrift IDL.

The following attributes are available:


Collection of Include and Namespace objects.


Collection of items of the following types.


class thriftrw.idl.Include

A request to include the Thrift file at the given path.

include "./common.thrift"

struct User {
    1: required common.UUID uuid

thriftrw also supports a custom “include-as” syntax if explicitly enabled.

include t "./types.thrift"

struct User {
    1: required t.UUID uuid

Note that this is a custom addition to the Thrift grammar and will break compatbility with Apache Thrift.


If the “include-as” form was used, this is the custom name specified for the imported module.


Path to the file to be included.

Changed in version 1.1: Added name attribute.

class thriftrw.idl.Namespace

Used to specify an alternative namespace for the given scope.

namespace py my_service.generated

Scope to which this namespace rule applies. Can be a language specifier or ‘*’ to apply to all languages.


Namespace for the specified scope.


class thriftrw.idl.Const

A constant defined in the Thrift IDL.

const i32 DEFAULT_ID = 0;

Name of the constant.


Type of value held by the constant.


Value specified for the constant.

class thriftrw.idl.Typedef

Typedefs define a new type which is an alias for another type.

typedef string UUID

Name of the new defined type.


Type being aliased.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.Enum

Enums define a new type which is a set of named integer values.

enum Role {
    USER = 1,

Name of the enum type.


Items defined in this Enum type. See EnumItem.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.EnumItem

An item defined in an Enum definition.


Name of the item.


Value specified for this item, if any. None othewise.


Annotations for this item. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.Struct

A struct is a collection of named fields.


Name of the struct.


Fields defined in the struct. See Field.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.Union

A union is a sum of different types.


Name of the union.


Fields defined in the union. See Field.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.Exc

A Thrift exception definition.


Name of the exception class.


Fields defined for the class. See Field.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.Service

A service definition.


Name of the service.


Collection of function defined in the service. See Function.


ServiceReference to the parent service or None if this service dosen’t have a parent service.


Annotations for this service. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.ServiceReference

A reference to another service.


Name of the referenced service.

class thriftrw.idl.Function

A function defined inside a service.


Name of the function.


Collection of parameters accepted by this method. See Field.


The type of value returned by this method.


Collection of exceptions raised by this method. See Field.


Whether this method is oneway or not.


Annotations for this method. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.Field

A field defined inside a struct, union, exception, or parameter list.


The numeric field identifier. None if not specified.


Name of the field.


Type of value held by the field.


True if this field was required, False if optional. None if required or optional was not specified.


Default value of the field. None if not specified.


Annotations for this field. See Annotation.


class thriftrw.idl.PrimitiveType

Reference to primitive types.


Name of the primitive type.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.MapType

A map<key, value> type.


Type of the keys in the map.


Type of the values in the map.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.SetType

A set<item> type.


Type of items in the set.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.ListType

A list<item> type.


Type of items in the list.


Annotations for this type. See Annotation.

class thriftrw.idl.DefinedType

Reference to a type defined by the user.


Name of the referenced type.


class thriftrw.idl.ConstPrimitiveValue

A complete constant value.


Value held in this constant.

class thriftrw.idl.ConstReference

Reference to another constant value or enum item.


Name of the constant or enum item.


class thriftrw.idl.Annotation

Annotations for entities that can be annotated.

They’re usually in the form,:

(foo = "bar", baz = "qux")

For example,:

struct User {
    1: string name (sensitive = "true");

Name of the annotation.


Value specified for the annotation.


class thriftrw.errors.ThriftError

Base class for all exceptions raised by thriftrw.

class thriftrw.errors.ThriftParserError

Exception raised by the parser or lexer in case of errors.

class thriftrw.errors.ThriftCompilerError

Exception raised during IDL compilation.

class thriftrw.errors.ThriftProtocolError

Exceptions raised by Protocol implementations for errors encountered during serialization or deserialization.

class thriftrw.errors.EndOfInputError

The input was shorter than expected.

class thriftrw.errors.UnknownExceptionError(message, thrift_response=None)

We parsed an unknown exception in a function response.