
thriftrw is a Python library to serialize and deserialize Thrift types. It parses .thrift files and generates types based on the IDL in-memory at runtime.

To use thriftrw, you simply call thriftrw.load() with the path to the .thrift file.

import thriftrw

keyvalue = thriftrw.load('keyvalue.thrift')

This generates a module which contains the generated types and constants.

Importing generated modules

When using just thriftrw.load(), you cannot reference the generated module in import statements. For example, the following will not work:

keyvalue = thriftrw.load('keyvalue.thrift')

from keyvalue import KeyValue  # ImportError

That’s because the system doesn’t yet know that the module name keyvalue maps to that generated module. This can be remedied by using thriftrw.install().

# some_module.py

import thriftrw

keyvalue = thriftrw.install('keyvalue.thrift')

This will install keyvalue as a submodule of some_module so that you can do,

from some_module.keyvalue import KeyValue

For more information, see thriftrw.install().

What gets generated?

The generated module contains two top-level functions dumps and loads.


Serializes the given object using the Thrift Binary Protocol.

request = keyvalue.KeyValue.getItem.request('somekey')
request_payload = keyvalue.dumps(request)

obj – Object to be serialized

Returns bytes:

The object’s serialized representation

  • TypeError – If the type of a value specified for a field doesn’t match what was specified in the IDL.
  • ValueError – If the type matches but the value is not a valid candidate for a specific field.
loads(cls, payload)

Deserializes an object of type cls from payload using the Thrift Binary Protocol.

request = keyvalue.loads(
  • cls – Type of object being deserialized.
  • payload (bytes) – Bytes containing the serialized representation of a cls object
  • thriftrw.errors.ThriftProtocolError – If payload was an invalid Thrift Binary Protocol payload.
  • TypeError, ValueError – If the payload was a vaild Thrift Binary Protocol payload but did not contain the object that was requested or if the required fields for it were missing.
dumps.message(obj, seqid=0)

Serializes the given request or response and puts it inside a message envelope.

request = keyvalue.KeyValue.getItem.request('somekey')
payload = keyvalue.dumps.message(request, seqid)

The message type is determined automatically based on whether obj is a request or a response, and whether it is for a function that is oneway or not.

For more information, see Calling Apache Thrift.

  • obj – A request or response object. This is obtained by using the request or response attributes on a thriftrw.spec.ServiceFunction.
  • seqid – If given, this is the sequence ID used for the message envelope. Clients can use the seqid to match out-of-order responses up with their requests. Servers must use the same seqid in their responses as what they got in the request.

Serialized payload representing the message.

loads.message(service, payload)

Deserializes a message containing a request or response for the given service from the payload.

message = keyvalue.loads.message(keyvalue.KeyValue, payload)
print message.name          # => 'getItem'
print message.message_type  # => 1  (CALL)
request = message.body

The service function is resolved based on the name specified in the message, and a request or response is returned based on the message type.

For more information, see Calling Apache Thrift.

  • service – Service object representing a specific service.
  • payload (bytes) – Payload to parse.
Returns thriftrw.value.Message:

The parsed Message.


Collection of all classes generated for all services defined in the source thrift file.

Changed in version 1.0: Renamed from services to __services__.


Collection of all classes generated for all types defined in the source thrift file.

Changed in version 1.0: Renamed from types to __types__.


Collection of modules which were referenced via include statements in the generated module.

New in version 1.0.


Contents of the .thrift file from which this module was compiled.

New in version 1.1.


Mapping of constant name to value for all constants defined in the source thrift file.

Changed in version 1.0: Renamed from constants to __constants__.

All generated types also expose the following attributes:


Reference back to the module containing this type.

New in version 1.1.


For an include:

include "./shared.thrift"

The generated module will include a top-level attribute shared which references the generated module for shared.thrift.

Note that paths in include statements are relative to the directory containing the Thrift file and they must be in the from ./foo.thrift, ./foo/bar.thrift, ../baz.thrift, and so on.


Given the struct:

struct User {
    1: required string name
    2: optional string email
    3: required bool isActive = true

A User class gets generated with a constructor similar to the following.

class User(object):

    def __init__(self, name, email=None, isActive=None):
        if name is None:
            raise TypeError(..)
        if isActive is None:
            isActive = True

        # ..

A TypeError is raised if required arguments are missing.

Note that fields of a struct MUST specify in the IDL whether they are required or optional.

See thriftrw.spec.StructTypeSpec for more details.


Classes generated for exceptions behave exactly the same as struct classes except that they inherit the Exception class.

See thriftrw.spec.ExceptionTypeSpec for more details.


Given the union:

union Value {
    1: string stringValue
    2: i32 integerValue

A Value class gets generated with a constructor similar to the following.

class Value(object):

    def __init__(self, stringValue=None, integerValue=None):
        if stringValue is not None and integerValue is not None:
            raise TypeError(..)
        if stringValue is None and integerValue is None:
            raise TypeError(..)

        # ..

A TypeError is raised if multiple non-None values are given or if no non-None values are given.

See thriftrw.spec.UnionTypeSpec for more details.


Given the enum:

enum Status {

A Status class similar to the following gets generated,

class Status(object):

    QUEUED = 0
    RUNNING = 1
    FAILED = 2

See thriftrw.spec.EnumTypeSpec for more details.


Given the service:

service KeyValue {
    void putValue(1: string key, 2: Value value);
    Value getValue(1: string key)
          (1: ResourceDoesNotExist doesNotExist);
    list<Value> listValues();

A class similar to the following gets generated,

class KeyValue(object):
    putValue = ServiceFunction(..)
    getValue = ServiceFunction(..)
    listValues = ServiceFunction(..)

Where each declared function gets its own ServiceFunction. Each ServiceFunction has a request and response attribute which points to the request or response class for that method. For example, the ServiceFunction for getValue can be used like so,

request = KeyValue.getValue.request('some_key')

# Return values are provided using the name 'success'.
successful_response = KeyValue.getValue.response(success=Value(..))

# Exceptions arre attached using the name of the exception.
failed_response = KeyValue.getValue.response(

For functions that don’t return any values, response may be instantiated with no arguments.

successful_response = KeyValue.putValue.response()

See thriftrw.spec.ServiceSpec for more details.


Constants are made available as-is in the generated module:

const string LAST_UPDATED = "2015-08-28"
LAST_UPDATED = '2015-08-28'

Constants and default values may be structs or unions if represented as maps with string keys in the Thrift file:

struct Item { 1: required string key, 2: required i32 value }

const Item ZERO_ITEM = {'key': '', 'value': 0}

The generated module will include a ZERO_ITEM definition equivalent to,

ZERO_ITEM = Item(key=u'', value=0)

Primitive representations

New in version 0.4.

It is sometimes required to convert values of generated types into primitive representations of themselves. This may be required so that we can pass the value to a serialization library or just to provide a readable reprsentation of the value. thriftrw provides the to_primitive and from_primitive methods on generated types for struct, union, and exception types to do just that.


Converts self into a dictionary mapping field names of the struct, union, or exception, to primitive representations of the field values. Fields with None values are skipped.

classmethod from_primitive(cls, value)

Reads a primitive representation of a value of this class. Unrecognized fields are ignored.

For example, given:

struct User {
    1: required string name
    2: optional string email
    3: required bool isActive = true

We have,

john = User(name='John Smith', email='john@example.com')
assert john.to_primitive() == {
    'name': 'John Smith',
    'email': 'john@example.com',
    'isActive': True,

jane = User(
    name='Jane Smith',
assert jane == User.from_primitive({
    'name': 'Jane Smith',
    'email': 'jane@example.com',

Primitive representations of values are composed of bool, bytes, float, str (unicode in Python < 3), int, long, dict, and list. The Thrift types map to primitive types like so:

Thrift Type Primitive Type
bool bool
byte int
i16 int
i32 int
i64 long
double float
string str (unicode in Python < 3)
binary bytes
list list
map dict
set list
struct dict
union dict
exception dict

Including other Thrift files

Types, services, and constants defined in different Thrift files may be referenced by using include statements with paths relative to the current .thrift file. The paths must be in the form ./foo.thrift, ./foo/bar.thrift, ../baz.thrift, and so on.

Included modules will automatically be compiled along with the module that included them, and they will be made available in the generated module with the base name of the included file (without the extension).

For example, given:

// shared/types.thrift

struct UUID {
    1: required i64 high
    2: required i64 low


// services/user.thrift

include "../shared/types.thrift"

struct User {
    1: required types.UUID uuid

You can do the following

service = thriftrw.load('services/user.thrift')

user_uuid = service.shared.UUID(...)
user = service.User(uuid=user_uuid)

# ...

Also note that you can load() Thrift files that have already been loaded without extra cost because the result is cached by the system.

service = thriftrw.load('services/user.thrift')
types = thriftrw.load('shared/types.thrift')

assert service.types is types

Calling Apache Thrift

The output you get from service.dumps(MyService.getFoo.request(..)) and service.dumps(MyService.getFoo.response(..)) contains just the serialized request or response. This is not enough to talk with Apache Thrift services.

Standard Apache Thrift payloads wrap the serialized request or response in a message envelope containing the following additional information:

  • The name of the method. This is getFoo in the example above.
  • Whether this message contains a request, oneway request, unexpected failure, or response.
  • Sequence ID of the message. This lets clients that receive out-of-order responses match them up with their corresponding requests.

Use of message envelopes is required if you want to communicate with Apache Thrift services or clients generated by Apache Thrift.

To wrap your a request or response in a message envelope, simply use dumps.message instead of dumps, and specify a sequence ID.

request = MyService.getFoo.request(...)
payload = service.dumps.message(request, seqid=10)

Similarly, to parse responses wrapped inside message envelopes, use loads.message instead of loads.

def handle_request(request_payload):
    message = service.loads.message(MyService, request_payload)
    # It is important that we use the same seqid in the response
    # envelope.
    seqid = message.seqid
    request = message.body

    # ...

    response_payload = service.dumps.message(response, seqid=seqid)

On the server side, it’s important that the response seqid be the same as the request seqid.

Differences from Apache Thrift

thriftrw interprets Thrift files slightly differently from Apache Thrift. Here are the differences:

  • For struct and exception types, every field MUST specify whether it is required or optional. This is to ensure that there is no ambiguity around how different code generators handle the default.

  • thriftrw allows forward references to types and constants. That is, types and constants may be referenced that are defined further down in the file:

    typedef Foo Bar
    struct Foo {
        // ..
  • thriftrw allows cyclic references between types:

    union Tree {
        1: Leaf leaf
        2: Branch branch
    struct Leaf {
        1: required i32 value
    struct Branch {
        1: required Tree leftTree
        2: required Tree rightTree